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What is DNA Paternity testing?

A DNA test is conducted to prove relation, that is, whether a man is the biological father of a child. This may be relevant in view of rights and duties of the father. DNA testing is accepted worldwide as the most accurate method of determining paternity.

What is the price for a DNA test in Ghana?

It depends on the kind of test. Blueprint DNA seeks to make genetic testing more accessible to the average person. The cost of our peace of mind or personal DNA test is 2000ghs.

The average cost of DNA test in Ghana however is between 3000ghs and 6000ghs

Do I need permission from the mother before DNA test is done?

It depends on your status. If you are the legal father, then you can request for testing on your own.

However if you are not the guardian of the child, then you will need consent from the mother or guardian.

How long will it take to receive my DNA test results?

Results are ready within 8-10 working days. We provide express options as well with turn around of 5-6 working days.

Is the DNA test done in Ghana?

No. Currently due to the accreditation standards required by our partners in the embassies, We run all our tests with the mother laboratory in the UK and USA.

Client can rest assure that no third party can influence testing in any way whatsoever.

Are your DNA tests accredited to be used for immigration and embassy purposes?

It depends on the requirement of the embassy. Our laboratory is accredited to the highest standard by UK Ministry of Justice and AABB (American) with ISO 17025 rating which is an internationally recognized standard of quality.

We provide testing for all the major foreign embassies. UK, USA, Canada & across Europe.

Can I provide other samples such as hair or nails for DNA testing?

 Any sample from the human body can be used for DNA testing. However with non standard samples the cost of extraction is much higher (Nail and toothbrush preferred)

What is the difference between a Non-Legal (Peace of Mind) DNA test and a Legal  DNA test?

During the sample collection process for a Legal Paternity Test, a Chain of Custody is established to verify the identity of the person the sample was collected from and ensure that the samples have not been tampered with at any stage. The samples must also be collected by an independent third party. By establishing this Chain of Custody, the DNA sample is documented and accounted for during the entire DNA testing process. The results from the legal paternity test will be legally admissible and can be used for a range of legal purposes.

However, If you choose to take a non-legal paternity DNA test, while these results are still as accurate as a legal paternity test, the results from the non-legal test cannot be used for legal purposes or in a court of law.

Can I test for the father of my unborn baby or pregnancy?

Yes. We offer paternity testing options during pregnancy. This can be done from the 9th week of pregnancy. We provide the non invasive prenatal testing option which is safest and poses no risk to unborn babies unlike traditional methods like amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. 

We use a sample of the mothers blood and analyses with alleged fathers sample.


  1. I was summoned by baby’s mama via social welfare cos i was denying paternity of the child,the court suggested we do a dna test at one dna solutions which i don’t want to mention name. The results that came was positive and i strongly believe they tempered with it,now i am charging the court for paternity sake of few reasons,please can i run another test at your firm?

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