man in gray shirt holding baby in white onesie

There are many reasons why people might want to undergo paternity testing.

It may be to settle legal disputes where an alleged father does not accept responsibility as father.
It may also be demanded as proof of fatherhood by immigration or foreign embassies before award of citizenship and travel visas. Additionally it can be done by a father who has doubts or uncertainty about being the father to a child to provide peace of mind and certainty.

Paternity testing can provide answers to these questions and more. But how does paternity testing work? And what are the benefits and limitations of this type of testing?

Read on to learn more about DNA paternity testing in this guide.

What is paternity testing?

paternity testing
Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

DNA paternity testing is a scientific process for determining the biological father of a child. The test looks at specific markers in the DNA of the child and the alleged father to see if there is a match. 

If the alleged father is the biological father, the DNA markers will match at all positions. If the alleged father is not the biological father, the DNA markers will not match in all points.

Most DNA paternity tests are performed using a buccal or mouth swab sample, but they can also be performed using other types of samples, including blood, nails, or toothbrush. 

The testing process usually takes a few days to complete, and the results are typically 99% accurate.

What are the benefits of paternity testing?

A DNA paternity test can provide conclusive proof of fatherhood in a wide variety of circumstances. Here are 5 benefits of paternity testing: 

1. Paternity testing can establish legal paternity for child support and custody purposes. 

2. Paternity testing can help put a father’s mind at ease when there is doubt about whether he is the biological father of a child. 

3. Paternity testing can provide peace of mind to a mother who wants to be certain of the identity of her child’s father. 

4. Paternity testing can help resolve paternity disputes between potential fathers. 

5. Paternity testing can be used to determine paternity in cases where the child’s father is deceased or otherwise unavailable for testing.

How much does paternity testing cost?

Paternity testing costs from 2000 ghs for a peace of mind test from a certified laboratory such as Blueprint DNA.  Our goal is to subsidize tests and increase access to genetic testing across Africa. 

How accurate is paternity testing?

Paternity testing is extremely accurate when performed correctly. If the test is performed correctly, the likelihood of a false positive is less than 1 in 1,000,000. The chance of a false negative is even smaller. 

In percentage terms, it is estimated that paternity testing accuracy is between 95-99% accurate when the father is included in the test. 

What are the emotional consequences of a paternity test?

There are a number of potential consequences of a positive paternity test. If the child’s father is not the man who the mother thought it was, this can have a number of implications for the child, the mother and the father.

The child may feel a sense of betrayal if they find out that their father is not who they thought he was. This can lead to feelings of anger, confusion and insecurity. 

The child may also have questions about their identity and may feel like they do not belong.

If the father is not willing to take responsibility for the child, the mother may have to raise the child on her own or with the help of family and friends.

The father may also experience a range of emotions including anger, guilt, relief and sadness. If he is not ready to be a father or does not want to be involved in the child’s life, this can create problems for both him and the child.

We provide psychological counseling to our clients through our partners FreeThink Consult across Ghana to help minimize the impact of test outcomes.

Are test results kept completely confidential?

When it comes to paternity testing, one of the main concerns is confidentiality. Test results are often used in child support and custody cases, so it’s important to know that your information will be kept completely confidential.

When you order a paternity test from a reputable company like BluePrintDNA, you can be rest assured that your information will be kept completely confidential. The company will usually provide password encrypted results to avoid access by any unauthorized parties.

Final Thoughts

Paternity and DNA testing is here to stay. We hope to improve access and ease of getting relationship and genetic testing. 

Even more important is the accuracy of the test and how the results are handled. With Blueprint DNA and Paternity Testing Organization, you don’t need to worry about any of these. If you are looking for a reliable and an  internationally recognized paternity testing laboratory in Ghana, do not look further than BluePrint DNA.

Send us an email or call us today.

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